Renew, Start Your Membership, or Donate
By Check


Fill out the form below and SEND it to us electronically. Then SEND YOUR CHECK, payable to the WCA, PO Box 109, Waterford, VA 20197.


Print this page, fill it out manually, and send it back with your check. [You can also download this form to fill it out manually]. Then SEND YOUR CHECK, payable to the WCA, PO Box 109, Waterford, VA 20197.

*These fields must be entered.
If Your Donating ONLY: Do not need to fill in any personal information below.
If Your a New and Renewing Member
New members need to fill out all the information below.
Renewing members just need to enter any changes from the previous year.

Family $30 | Individual $20 | Business $60 | Nonprofit $30 | Youth $0

Donate to Specific Activities

There will be no fireworks for 2025.

Supports the upkeep of the Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery on Fairfax Street
Press to send your information to us electronically. Then send your check by mail.

PRINT THIS PAGE and send with your your check (payable to the WCA) to PO Box 109, Waterford, VA 20197.