Independence Day Celebrations in Waterford

There will NOT be Fireworks this year.

Volunteer to help with our Independence Day festivities. Go to our online signup sheet and sign up NOW!

Uncle Sam at the Waterford Virginia 4th of July celebration

Morning July 4th

Factory, Second, and lower Main Streets are closed to non-parade vehicles from 10 to Noon

Parade down Second and Main Streets 

  • 10:00 - Parade Registration and lineup, Factory Street
  • 11:00 - Parade goes down Factory to the Bond Street Tanyard. Arrives about 11:45
    What's allowed: Walking, Bicycles (Park bikes at the designate stand at the Tanyard), Tamed animals (Dogs, etc. on leashes), Riding ponies and horses, Non-motorized scooters, Golf carts with adult driver, Antique cars/Tractors driven by licensed drivers.)

Hot Dogs, Music, and Games at the Bond Street Tanyard (11-1)

  • 11:45 - Songs, remarks, and refreshments (Hot Dogs, Lemonade, Watermelon)
  • Noon. - Live music
  • Games for kids.
    We need homemade or store-bought cakes or cupcakes.
    Bring your items to the Cake Walk table between 9:30-10:45. Label your cake plate with your name and number if you need it back. No custard or whipped cream pies.

Evening July 4th

Music: 6:30-8:00

Potluck Dinner at the Tanyard by the Bond Street Barn (6-8pm)

Main and Luckett Streets See map
(In case of rain this event will move to the Old School)

Alphabet Potluck
Bring a dish. If your last names begins with:
A - I =Main dish,  J - Q = Salad,  R - Z = Dessert
Bring enough for 8 -10 people, also bring your own drinks or bottled water and lawn chairs or blankets. Remember to mark your plate and bring a serving spoon for your dish.

Pie Baking Contest. Judging 5:30-6 View Flyer

Bake your favorite pie and drop it off at 4:30 at the contest table. Label the bottom of your pie plate with your name, phone number, and kind of pie. No custard or whipped cream pies.

July 4th parade in Waterford VA  Hessian troops on parade in Waterford VA
Pie baking contest in Waterford Virginia   

Tiny car in Waterford VA 4th of July parade