Independence Day Celebrations in Waterford
There will NOT be Fireworks this year.
Morning July 4th
Factory, Second, and lower Main Streets are closed to non-parade vehicles from 10 to Noon
Parade down Second and Main Streets
- 10:00 - Parade Registration and lineup, Factory Street
- 11:00 - Parade goes down Factory to the Bond Street Tanyard. Arrives about 11:45
What's allowed: Walking, Bicycles (Park bikes at the designate stand at the Tanyard), Tamed animals (Dogs, etc. on leashes), Riding ponies and horses, Non-motorized scooters, Golf carts with adult driver, Antique cars/Tractors driven by licensed drivers.)
Hot Dogs, Music, and Games at the Bond Street Tanyard (11-1)
- 11:45 - Songs, remarks, and refreshments (Hot Dogs, Lemonade, Watermelon)
- Noon. - Live music
- Games for kids.

Evening July 4th
Music: 6:30-8:00
Potluck Dinner at the Tanyard by the Bond Street Barn (6-8pm)
Main and Luckett Streets See map
(In case of rain this event will move to the Old School)
Alphabet Potluck
Bring a dish. If your last names begins with:
A - I =Main dish, J - Q = Salad, R - Z = Dessert
Bring enough for 8 -10 people, also bring your own drinks or bottled water and lawn chairs or blankets. Remember to mark your plate and bring a serving spoon for your dish.
Pie Baking Contest. Judging 5:30-6 View Flyer
Bake your favorite pie and drop it off at 4:30 at the contest table. Label the bottom of your pie plate with your name, phone number, and kind of pie. No custard or whipped cream pies.