WCA Water Committee
Informing the Community

Drilling for water by the John Wesley Church in Waterford Virginia

Drilling a well at the John Wesley Church

The WCA Water Committee is an ad hoc committee created by the Board of Officers of the Waterford Citizens Association to investigate and advise on water problems and initiatives within the Village. For purposes of this Committee, the term Waterford Village encompasses those properties within the Waterford Public Sewage District boundaries.

The committee is undertaking an investigation of the village water problems in order to inform and enhance understanding of the issues so that future community action is collective and furthers the common good and general welfare of the village. We are working with villagers, the Waterford Foundation, the Water Coordinators and Loudoun County to better understand concerns and options to resolve these water issues. The findings of our efforts will be presented on this webpage and at WCA sponsored open meetings.

Well water harvesting system to solve the problem of low producing wells.

Latest News

Loudoun County Updates to the Infrastructure & Waterford Water Project

In February 2023, the Board of Supervisors approved $1.5 million in Capital Improvement Program funds for the preliminary engineering of a communal water system in the Village of Waterford. In addition, the Board directed staff to evaluate interconnected communal water and wastewater systems for Waterford and the Village of Paeonian Springs.

The Waterford Water Feasibility Study was released in April 2022. Along with a video.
The purpose of this feasibility study is to evaluate the concerns identified in the community of Waterford’s application and to determine the technical feasibility of potential solutions to the community’s drinking water issues.

The Water Committee will attend future meetings to monitor the process and in parallel will continue its independent and impartial research and community meetings to keep villagers informed.

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Keywords: water wells, Waterford va, drinking water, water quality