Traffic Calming Activities
Here are actions that the WCA, through its Traffic Committee, has taken in its efforts to reduce the speed of drivers passing through Waterford and maintain the historical character of the village.
The WCA had an incredible traffic victory at the July 20th Loudoun County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting. It was a hard-fought win, five years in the making. Thanks to our lobbying efforts and to the support of Supervisor Kershner’s office and Chair Randall, the BOS voted unanimously to support the installation of traffic calming measures at each of the village’s three entryways, and to continue to work with the WCA and VDOT to identify additional interim solutions (which could include speed tables and signage, if supported by the community). They also agreed to keep the option of a future byway study on the table.
A survey of village residents was completed in May to determine their views on traffic calming and traffic volume reduction techniques.
Draft report issued, Draft Village of Waterford Traffic Calming and Byway Assessment, December 16, 2020. This report was requested by the WCA though the Board of Supervisors. After an initial review of the report, the WCA asked the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the County for a more extensive approach, based on the traffic reduction and calming strategy we established – through consultations with the WCA and our community – in 2019.
Traffic Committee's overview of the BOS vote to fund and install Waterford’s temporary, pole-mounted-speed-display signs, and directed County staff to start work on design proposals for other traffic calming and reduction measures such as chicanes/chokers at the Village's three entry points.
- January 21, 2020, BOS Business Meeting action item from the Loudoun Transportation and Capital Infrastructure Office.
- March 5, 2020, Waterford Calming and Byway Assessment Scope of Work by Michael Baker International.
- May 7, 2020, Stakeholder kick-off meeting for the Village of Waterford Traffic Calming and Byway Assessment.
- November 15, 2020, Letter to the Board of Supervisors concerning the paving part of Old Waterford Road.
2018 — 2019
The Traffic Committee worked closely with the County and VDOT to identify measures that will both reduce traffic volume and speed throughout the entire village, and that are permitted by Virginia law. WCA members were surveyed to better understand what solutions they support.
Some of the WCA proposals were rejected. VDOT and the County’s Transportation Division did agree on:
• Temporary, pole-mounted speed display signs at the village entry/exit points of Clarkes Gap Road, Loyalty Road and First Street that will be used as placeholders until more attractive measures can be installed
• Landscaped chicanes or chokers at village entry/exit points that will replace the speed display signs once they can be designed, approved and installed (a 2-3 year process)
• A crosswalk at the Post Office intersection, designed so as not to detract from the appearance of the historic district.
VDOT Waterford traffic study was released. The study’s traffic counts confirm Waterford has a cut-through traffic problem and is eligible for VDOT's Residential Cut-Through Program. It shows that every day, 6,300 vehicles arrive and leave the village at the intersection of Factory and High Street. From there, 3,000 vehicles use Loyalty Road, and 3,280 travel on Main Street by the Mill.
The County conducted a traffic speed and volume study. The County Department of Transportation and Capital Investment (DTCI) that study results indicate Waterford is eligible for the Virginia Control of Residential Cut-Through Program. The DTCI will need a petition of 75% of occupied residences in the historic district indicating concurrence that Waterford has a traffic cut-through problem and requesting VDOT to address the problem.
The County Board of Supervisors’ endorse to cost and fund a traffic speed and volume study, and VDOT agrees to consider options under the VA Residential Cut-Through Program if the village is eligible. A village-endorsed action plan for reducing commuter through-traffic will implemented. Action plan development would involve wide consultation with in village, neighboring residents and others, including a special WCA meeting.
VDOT added better signage for the through truck restriction barring trucks from coming up Clark’s Gap Road (Route 662) and through Waterford.
The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors passed a Resolution (April 3rd) directing the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Loudoun County Office of Transportation Services to expeditiously conduct a new traffic speed and volume study in the Village of Waterford.
In March 2007, with the results from Waterford's February 2007 traffic calming survey in hand, WCA/WF asked VDOT/OTS to investigate the possibility of: (a) reducing the speed limits throughout the Village to 20 mph (#2 on the survey); (b) adding a 35 mph transition speed limit around the Village (#1 on the survey); and (c) implement road improvements that reflect the Village's historical significance to ensure Waterford's survival as a national treasure. In response to this request, VDOT/OTS required WCA/WF to obtain a Resolution from BOS directing VDOT/OTS to conduct a new traffic speed/volume study
The important aspect of the Resolution is that BOS acknowledged in the Resolution's preamble that "the legacy of Waterford and its National Historic Landmark status is being threatened by a steady growth of volume and speed of vehicular traffic through the Village" -- a small, but essential victory.
A survey of Waterford residents was conducted about placing a stop sign at the top of Main Street by the Post Office. This was followed with a letter to Sally Kurtz, the Catoctin District supervisor.
Should there be a "Slow, Children at Play" sign on lower Main Street to caution cars? A discussion ended up with the observation that a sign may not do much since the sign for the $200 fine for going over 20mph isn't effective.
2003 Waterford Tame the Traffic & Bury the Wires Study
It became apparent that there were serious issues regarding the scenic byways in and around Waterford. The Waterford Foundation subsequently sought additional monies for this and to address the issue of increased traffic. In 2001, State Senator Frank Wolf and Senator John Warner were approached about this concern. Each agreed to seek support; ultimately it was placed under budget allocations to the Transportation and Community Preservation System. (TCSP). The TCSP is looking for successes as model for other areas with scenic byways to address view sheds, etc. Using the easement process is just one of several ways to achieve preservation goals.
Concern about the speed limit on Route 662 leading into Waterford, especially at night, caused the WCA to write a letter to VDOT and the County requesting the speed limit be reduced to 35 MPH on Route 662 between Route 9 and Waterford.
The WCA wrote to our BOS supervisor, Sally Kurtz, expressing the community's concern about a proposed traffic light at the new Beacon Hill exit on Route 9.
Village Meeting on the Waterford Bury the Wires and Tame The Traffic Tea-21 Initiative
The WCA made a successful presentation to the Board of Supervisors regarding our traffic request of no through truck traffic with a $200 fine.