Waterford Alleys
Waterford Roads
The roads in the village have been paved over for years so that in some places the road is more than 2 feet higher than it was originally. This rise in the pavement has created a challenge for the drainage in the village.
A VDOT report was issued on the paving and drainage in the village. The report concluded that the elevation of the road surface was in part due to incrementally added layers of asphalt but that in aggregate it did not entirely cause the present drainage problems. The poor drainage contributes to a shorter life span for the paving and this in conjunction with a poor sub-base has caused the problems with maintenance of the road surfaces. The report called for solutions ranging from (1) complete stripping, lowering the elevation and reconstruction of the base to (3) stripping the last layer and repaving with no change in road level elevation. The simplest option (3) was used. The drainage ditches were cleared and new ditches created or improved so water runoff from heavy st0rms would not encroach homes as it had been. Synopsis of a 2017 meeting on drainage and paving.
Repaving of the streets was carried out with the addition of milling the previous layer. In the past this was not done. The WCA roads group worked with VDOT to make sure that the old paving was milled, that the new asphalt was only laid over the old surface, and that painted stripes were only added at stop signs.
Review of existing pavements in Waterford 2016
Historic Roads design maintainance (nchrp_W189)