
2024-25 WCA Officers & Committee Chairs

2021 Nominees


President: Mike Stup,  email.

Vice President, Christy Hertel,  email.

Secretary: Fiona Sullivan, email.

Treasurer: Maureen Arnold, email.


Beautification/Environmental Committee: Nick Ratcliffe,  email.

Cemetery Committee: Linda Landreth, email.

Membership Committee: Ed Lehmann, email.

Preservation Committee: Jane Williams email.

Special Events Committee: Fiona Sullivan email.

Traffic Committee: Sharyn Franck email.

Water Committee: Mark Sullivan email.

Waterford 2033: Cate Wyatt  email.

Committee Missions

Beautification Committee – organizes village cleanups, tree/bulb planting, signage, etc.

Cemetery Committee – helps maintain the Waterford Union of Churches Cemetery

Environmental Committee – looks at issues involving our water and sewage

Fundraising Committee – raises much-needed funds to support all of our other efforts

Membership Committee – recruits new members and organizes membership activities

Preservation Committee – ensures the preservation of our historic community

Traffic Committee – organizes our street and traffic plans

Waterford 2033 – This is a vision and community planning effort aimed to develop a unifying community plan for the Village based on a shared vision of what we want the Village to be in the future.