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Dues: Family $30, Individual $20, Business $60, Nonprofit $30, Youth $0
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The WCA was founded in 1954 — and has been going strong ever since. Its purpose is to support the citizens of the Waterford School District in the preservation of our historical heritage and to promote and encourage citizen involvement in our community. Over the years our community has expanded in numbers and interests for youngsters and adults alike.
Through membership in the WCA, you and your family join with other Waterford area citizens in
- Advocacy and information gathering for civic concerns such as continuance of small community schools, problems with traffic on roads in and around the village, planning and zoning matters related to the historic village, adequate water supply, etc.
- Independence Day activities, including a parade, games, and a community potluck
- Village support of the very popular Waterford Elementary School PTO’s Halloween activities (think about those haunted houses!)
- Beautification efforts within the historic area
- Restoration and maintenance of the Civil War era Union of Churches cemetery
- Support for programs that encourage the preservation of Waterford’s heritage and status as a National Historic Landmark
- Working with the Waterford Foundation and regional organizations with similar interests and concerns