Traffic Calming and Bury the Wires Studies in 2003
2003 Loudoun County Department of Transportation Study to Calm Traffic and Bury Wires in Waterford, Virginia

Waterford citizens at the March 2003 planning meeting
In an August 2002 Memorandum of Agreement, Loudoun County, the Waterford Foundation, the Waterford Citizens Association, and the Waterford Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization recommended a study to explore alternatives and to “arrive at a realistic design scheme and overall preliminary cost estimates” to bury the wires and tame the traffic. This agreement grew out of the efforts from the 1970’s to the late 1990’s by many of Waterford’s citizens to preserve the character of the village. The stated challenge was to balance traffic calming measures, utility relocations, stormwater management, and roadway modifications with the historic nature of the village
Here is the full report from the study.